LiveNXAWS Cloud MonitoringDownload PDF
The cost for deploying can be broken down into 3 components below. Other than the EC2 compute/store cost, the rest is very minimal if the LiveNX CM server lives in AWS and is directly proportional to the amount of flowlogs collected. If the LiveNX CM node lives in AWS but talks to an on premises server, then there would be additional bandwidth costs for traffic exiting AWS but again, it would not be the raw flow as that would be stored local in the node.
EC2 costs to run LiveNX AMI
S3 costs to temporarily store flowlog
Note: this is very minimal since can be set to purge after 1 day
CloudWatch API (Deliver Logs to S3 Cost)
First 10TB $0.25 per GB
Next 20TB $0.15 per GB
Next 20TB $0.075 per GB
Over 50TB $0.05 per GB
Data Stored $0.03 per GB