LiveNXOperations Dashboard Admin GuideDownload PDF
Settings : Settings : Licensing
License Configuration is used for managing the system’s license. This can be done using the LiveAction’s cloud licensing portal or via a traditional license file supply by LiveNX Support.
When using LiveNX for the first time, a license must be applied. It is recommended to use the cloud license portal.
To apply a cloud license, from the Cloud section of the Licensing page, click Add License.
Supply the license Key and Secret and click Next.
NOTE: The key and Secret can be found from the LiveAction Licensing Portal.
Review the license’s details and click Yes.
The license will be applied and LiveNX will be ready to use.
If necessary, a Traditional license file can also be used. This can be supplied by LiveAction Support.
To add a Traditional license, from the Traditional section of the Licensing page, click Add License.
The Adding Traditional License modal appears. Browse to find the “.key” license file supplied by LiveAction Support and click Next.
The license will be applied and LiveNX will be ready to use.
License Expiration Notification can be used to send an email for notification of impending license expiration.