Apply analysis module command
Analysis Modules are usually applied to packets as they arrive in the buffer from the network, or as they are loaded from a file. Analysis Modules are also re-applied each time the contents of the buffer is changed by hiding or unhiding packets.
To apply the IP Analysis Module to selected packets in a Packet List:
1. Select the packet(s) to which you would like to apply the IP Analysis Module.
2. Right-click, choose the command and select from the submenu.
This applies the IP Analysis Module to the selected packet(s) and allows the Analysis Module to write to the Summary column.
A message dialog appears showing the number of your selected packets which were processed by the Analysis Module you applied. If the dialog shows less than the total number (for example 2 of 3 packets applied), it means that the Analysis Module you applied did not find the relevant information.
3. Click to close the message dialog.