Omnipeek24.1.0 Release NotesDownload PDF
Omnipeek 24.1.0 : What's New In Omnipeek 24.1.0
What's New In Omnipeek 24.1.0
New Features
Improved Packet File Indexing by reducing indexing database size
Added Distributed Forensic Search cross launch across multiple integrations
Improved filtering at the adapter/hardware level to increase performance where filters are required
Added UTC toggle to LiveWire Omnipeek
Enabled application classification for LiveFlow without CTD
Added a LiveNX ‘catch all’ interface for LiveWire’s capture adapter
Added support for saving packets files directly from the Forensics view in LiveWire Omnipeek (no analysis)
Added support for locally defined admin groups and LDAP/AD groups, simultaneously
Improved active directory feedback in role-based access control interface
Increased load balancing for improved performance on LiveWire PowerCore and Core (Gen2)
Improved Reconstructions View Sidebar Content Tab when switching from image to hex data for images over 100 KB
Improved displaying Forensic Searches as a table/list
Open/drop a packet file in the Forensics view in LiveWire Omnipeek